Throne Room at Mari

Throne Room at Mari

Throne Room at Mari

The palace of Zimri Lim was the final palace on the site, but there had been earlier structures present before Zimri-Lim occupied his palace. These earlier structures date back to the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age (around 2200 BC) when Mari was at a high point of prosperity and influence. In this photo of one of the Throne Rooms of Zimri-Lim's palace, you can make out the white limestone slab (bottom left) which would have once supported the throne. Complicating the picture is the fact that archaeologists have dug through the floor of this room to reveal the earlier structures beneath. Looking at the major levels, we can see: Red Arrow, 1750 BC destruction of the palace of Zimri-Lim, Yellow Arrow, the floor surface associated with the Throne Room of Zimri-Lim, Blue Arrow, an earlier phase of the palace of Zimri-Lim (Zimri-Lim did not construct the palace, he was just the last occupant), Green Arrow, a thick plaster floor associated with the Early Middle Bronze phase of the palace. Beneath this you can see even earlier structures unearthed from beneath the levels of the Early Middle Bronze Age palace.